founded by Annemarie Ehrlich in 1986
founded by Annemarie Ehrlich in 1986

Name: Liz
Surname: Smith
Nationality: South Africa & Britain
Residence: Cape Town, South Africa
Contact: liz@quella.co.za
Website: http://quella.co.za/
Working languages: English
South Africa

Meeting Annemarie Ehrlich and her Eurythmy in Working Life changed the course of my career in eurythmy. Her focus on developing both individual independence and conscious awareness of our constantly changing relationships with others stimulated an inner aliveness I had rarely experienced in eurythmy before. It awoke me to the potential of revealing and working with social process, the invisible and often-neglected foundation of all joint human endeavour, through the experiential and embodied art of eurythmy. And of doing this in a way that is soul awakening and spiritually uplifting.
For the past 25 years I have brought this way of working to the field of social transformation in Southern Africa particularly through participating in and contributing to the development of a social practice born out of Goethe’s “delicate empiricism” and pioneered by the Proteus Initiative. http://www.proteusinitiative.org/
As a Proteus Associate I am part of a community of practitioners, consultants and facilitators from the global south (including South America, New Zealand and Australia) committed to furthering this rigorous practice which demands flexible thinking, disciplined self-reflection and accurate observation of a world that is alive and always in movement. To this end I bring eurythmy to practitioner learning programmes, community development processes and Goethean observation courses, complementing with poetry, nature drawing and projective geometry.
Previously I taught kindergarten eurythmy at various Waldorf schools and until recently, to the students of the Kairos Eurythmy Training in Cape Town where I was on the Board of Directors of the Centre for Creative Education for many years.
I also assist my husband in the financial, legal and administrative aspects of our property rental business.